LEO satellite networks SpaceX Starlink | Amazon Kuiper | Telesat
Height (km)No. of orbitsNo. of sats/orbitInclinationColor code
2-shells of Telesat. Data correct as of 30th May 2020.

Side view (Equator) Top view (North Pole)
Click here for 3D (Firefox)

View of the constellation from different parts of the world at random times.
x-axis: Observer's azimuth. Objects located 0°: due North, 90°: due East, 180°: due South, and 270°: due West of the observer.
y-axis: Altitude. 0° is horizon and 90° is directly overhead for an observer
Minimum angle of elevation is 10° (shaded in blue)
The simulations below are 50x faster than real-time.
Delhi, India Oslo, Norway
Santiago, Chile Christchurch, New Zealand